Updated fast aerosol sizer: DMS500 Mk3
After 20+ years, two generations and many hundreds of DMS500s sold, we are pleased to launch the third generation DMS500 Mk3 at EAC 2024.
Already the real-time aerosol sizer of choice for applications from medical, air quality and emissions, the DMS500's updates offers additional capabilities and a modular approach to options, ensuring that all budgets are able to take advantage of the industry leading measurement capabilities.
Real-time particle size distribution from an e-cigarette; each "slice" is just 100 ms long
The original MkI DMS500, launched in 2002, and its successor the Mk2 (2009) were originally squarely aimed at internal combustion engine research. They came with everything you needed to make a direct measurement from a hot exhaust pipe close to an engine, including a heated sample line and two stages of dilution and a bunch of interfacing features for hooking up to a dynamometer test bench (and latterly an external catalytic stripper) . If you wanted to buy a DMS500 for a non-combustion application, you didn't have to buy the physical heated line itself, but the somewhat monolithic design of the DMS500 still came with all the driver hardware inside it, which increased the cost to you.
A lot has changed in 20 years, not least in electronic design and component availability. In undertaking an exercise in modernisation of the electronics, we've also been able to fully modularise the internal control systems, so we can now offer only what you need for your specific application, to suit your budget.
DMS500, then and now
Rest assured that the fundamental charger and classifier designs remain unchanged — so you can now have that industry leading 200 ms time response for use in your aerosol lab, without having to pay for many built-in features you don't need.
The optional features in the Mk 3 are:
5 nm – 2500 nm size range (standard is 5 nm – 1000 nm)
Heated sample line and driver (generally only need for direct combustion studies)
Gas dilution at the point of sampling (generally only need for direct combustion studies)
Rotating disk diluter (needed for high concentration sampling and / or over longer periods)
Analogue inputs and outputs
Digital remote control
AK remote communications protocol
Low sensitivity options (for high concentration aerosols where dilution would change the aerosol)
Soot calibration
For more details, see the DMS500 Mk3 webpage or join us at EAC in Tampere, UFP Symposium in Berlin, AAAR in Albuquerque, or AAC in Sarawak in the coming weeks and months.