We're pleased to announce that the CPMA Mk2 can now classify singly charged particles up to ~6 times more massive (up to 6.6 picograms, c.f. 1 pg) and almost twice the diameter (2.3 μm, c.f. 1.3 μm, at unit density) than the original CPMA. This h...
We're at CENEX Low Carbon Vehicles (LCV) on 7th & 8th September 2022. We're excited to launch our electrified powertrain development and testing brand, CamMotive at this event.
The novel M2AS (Mass & Mobility Aerosol Spectrometer) combination of the Cambustion Unipolar Diffusion Charger, Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyser and Mobility Separator instruments visited Athens for the 2022 International Aerosol Conference for ...