Next weeks it's the virtual Nordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA) Symposium 2021. Stop by Cambustion's "room" in the breakout space for a chat. On Wednesday we are proud to sponsor the Basic Aerosol Processes session, and at the start of the session at 15:55 CET Head of Products Dr Jon Symonds will give a short presentation on "What's New in Aerosol Science at Cambustion?"
Our application note on face covering material filtration efficiency testing with the AAC has been updated to cover particle sizes up to 5 microns, showcasing the AAC's unique classification range and advantages over a DMA as a classifier. Downloa...
Introducing the forthcoming CLD50 fast NOx analyser. Sensitive and portable enough for ambient/roadside NO measurement while still retaining ultra-fast response times which are critical for spotting gross emitters.
From today until Thursday it's the virtual Congrès Français sur les Aérosols from l’Association Française d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Aérosols (ASFERA). Join our particle product partners in France LVM'Air to find out about our aerosol measurement instrumentation such as the new CPMA MkII.
We're proud to be a sponsor of the 38th International Symposium on Combustion from The Combustion Institute, this year held online at Adelaide, Australia time. To mark the occasion, we've released a short video showcasing our instrumentation for c...