DPG Viewer Installation instructions
You will need administrator privileges on your PC in order to install the DPG Viewer.
Make sure that Excel is not open when run the installer because DPG Viewer is an Excel add-in: if Excel is already using a previous version of the DPG Viewer then the installation will fail.
WindowsXP: Double-click the DpgViewer.exe installation program, and accept all default options. The viewer will be installed to C:\Cambustion\DPG\. Windows Vista: You will need to run the installer as administrator. Do not attempt to simply double-click the installer or the installation will not complete correctly. You must right click the installer executable file and "Run as administrator" as shown below:
3. If this is an update to a previously installed DPG Viewer, then no further action is required. Just start Excel and use the DPG Viewer tools.
4. If this is the first time that the DPG Viewer has been installed, you will have to register it as an Excel add-in. WindowsXP: Start Excel, select Tools->Add-ins, select the "Browse" button and navigate to C:\Cambustion\DPG\ and select DpgViewer.xla.. Windows Vista: Start Excel, select Excel start button -> Excel Options -> Add-ins - > Manage Excel Add-ins -> Go. On the Add-ins list box: Browse -> to C:\Cambustion\DPG and select DpgViewer.xla.
5. The DPG Viewer appears in the list of Excel add-ins. Make sure that its tick-box is checked and select "OK". The DPG Viewer toolbar should appear:
Drag this onto the toolbar area at the top of the Excel window. The DPG Viewer is now ready to use.
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