5210 | Fast Condensation Particle Counter
Counting between 5 nm and 10 microns
Launched in 2024, the 5210 CPC is a fast response, broad size range research grade condensation particle counter, ideal for general laboratory use, or for a wide range of specific applications.
Developed in-house, the 5210 offers customers the ability to count particles as large as 10 microns using the well established technique of condensation particle counting, whilst also resolving the smallest particles down to 5 nm. The 5210 uses industry standard butanol as its working fluid.
From small to large
A straight through sample path with no turns or bends ensures that large particles are able to reach the detector without losses through impaction, whilst also growing and counting particles as small as 5 nanometres.
Fast response
The 5210 CPC has a response time quicker than 40 ms (T10-90%; T63 (τ) < 50 ms, with data output up to 50 Hz) for monitoring rapidly changing environments, or for scanning applications.
Easy to use
The 5210 is controlled from the built in touch screen, via a web interface or can be integrated into your own experimental control via Ethernet, USB or RS232 via an open command set.
All main controls are easily accessible from the main screen — with no need to enter submenus to start the pump or measurement.
There are visual and audible alerts for butanol bottle refill and sample flow out of range.
Warmup time is less than 10 minutes.
Integrated pumps & reliable flow rate control
The 5210 has a built in sample pump, and active flow control. The pump can be configured to start automatically once warmed up.
Additional internal pumps enable water removal, supporting sustained measurement of humid aerosols.
The CPC clearly reports the temperature and pressure at which the concentration measurement was taken, and also provides automatic conversion to any set of standard conditions.
The user can select from several aerosol carrier gases (air, nitrogen, argon or carbon dioxide) such that the flows (and hence concentration) will be correct for that gas.
Innovative fluid management
The 5210 is of a wickless, low saturator volume design, and the small volume of fluid present in the instrument can be recovered on every shutdown if required, removing the need for lengthy "draining and drying" before transporting. The resistance to flooding caused by tipping, along with the ability to run from DC power, makes it ideal for mobile operation. It consumes as little as 1 ml of butanol per hour, and around 60% of this is recovered in a waste bottle, rather than being pumped out of the exhaust in the environment as a vapour.
Variable size cut selection
The 5210 supports different configuration files to allow variable size cuts.
General aerosol laboratory use
Size and mass scans up to the multi-micron size range as part of SASS or M²AS
Tyre and brake particles (which can be in the multi-micron size range)
Bio-aerosols and viral transmission (which can be in the multi-micron size range)
Use as part of the SASS or M²AS
The extended upper size range of the 5210 makes it ideal to pair with an Aerodynamic Aerosol Classifier to form a Scanning Aerodynamic Size Spectrometer (SASS), or as part of the Mass and Mobility Aerosol Spectrometer (M²AS). It offers plug and play use with the AAC, M²AS and CPMA over USB, Ethernet or RS232:
5210 CPC Web Interface
The 5210 can be controlled over its own touchscreen, via a web interface, or via an open command set
5210 CPC Brochure
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